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This is a look at just how crazy our life is.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Freedom Fishing Derby

So today was the Freedom Fishing Derby. Since Arron and A.J were away for the weekend and Tyler was staying with us. I took the boys and Madison and we set off for the derby.
                                           Since we got there a bit early the boys found their fishing spot and sat down to watch all the trout swimming by them.
                                          Getting ready for the signal
                                          Zack removing his first fish of the day.
                                          Amy and Howard helping Jacob
                                          Zackary was amazing with Billy. He helped him cast out and whenever Billy needed help Zack was there for him.
                                          Howard helping Jake bring in one of his trout.
                                          Zack bringing in one of his trout
                                          You can't see the trout very well in the picture but they were huge. The biggest one caught that day was 17 1/2 inches long.
                                          Zack helping Billy get his fish out of the water
                                          Showing Billy were to hold the fish
                                          Poor Tyler and Madison they didn't catch anything.  And I didn't even get one picture of Madison at the derby she kept moving around on me.
                                          Keegan and Jake
                                          When these two get together I never know what they are going to do.
                                          They some how managed to trap a small trout in this little hole and Zack caught it with his hands.
                                          Tyler gave up and ended up watching.
                                             Zack won for heaviest weight in his age group
                                          He didn't want the trophy and much as the new pole. His other one was breaking on him. 

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