Welcome to our CRAZY LIFE !!!

This is a look at just how crazy our life is.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Making Maple Syrup

Arron decided this year he wanted to try and make our own maple syrup. So he's been reading up on it. But he didn't want to spend a fortune on supplies if it didn't work. A.J gave him a gift card for his Birthday so he could get some taps and and things and everything else he's been piecing together. If you look out any of my windows this is the sight you'll see. Zack loves going outside throughout the day to collect it for Arron. Since he didn't want to spend alot of money on things he's gotten creative. He's trying to broil it off on the grill. But it's taking all day. When I say all day I mean from 8am to 7pm and still going all day. But it seems to be working. And the kids are loving it. The woodstove was supose to be an evaporater but they couldn't get it hot enough. So Keegan and Zack have just spent the day burning things. And loving the fact that they could. It looks like we got a lot because we used little 4 oz jars. We tried it Monday night and the kids loved it.

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