Welcome to our CRAZY LIFE !!!

This is a look at just how crazy our life is.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Working Together!1

With fairs coming up fast the kids decided to make a few new nest boxes to enter into the fair and then they would have them already for the does when they were due.
                                           It was nice to see Zack letting Madison to the steps herself
                                          He was right there to tell her what she was doing wrong
                                          And one of her finished nestboxes

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Slime Time!!!

Zack and Madison set out to make Goofy Putty in Science today. Zack actually liked this experiment.
                                          Madison stirring
                                           Zack stirring and mixing.
                                           It's forming
                                           Madison measured and followed directions all the way and....
                                          Zack just rounded with his measurements. His came out right and Madison had to redo hers.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Story Land

We haven't been in a few years but this year Madison and Devin got tickets to go so we went. And had a great time. It was a sunny day and the lines were short for a change.
                                            Madison and Keegan
                                          Devin and Billy
                                          Most of the kids
                                            Zack, Keegan and Jake
                                          Arron , Kelly and Amy
                                           A.J and Madison
                                           Zack, Billy and Keegan
                                             Zack after the ride above
                                             Madison and Arron on the spinning turtles
                                           Noe sleeping through the day
                                          Amy and Kelly
                                           Family Photo

Zack working in the garden

Zack working in the Garden
                                           I did get some cucumbers.  Not just weeds.
                                            Zack's tomatoes really took off.  He got tons of them and the plants were almost as tall as him!