Welcome to our CRAZY LIFE !!!

This is a look at just how crazy our life is.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Zack's Geese

Zack decided last year he wanted to try raising geese for the eggs. So he got 6 of them. Four turned out to be males. So he gave them away. And a few weeks ago he found someone who was getting rid of a couple of geese. So he got them to add to his.At the moment he has four but is getting two chicks in a few weeks.
                                          This is Lady and today she decided to start laying Zack some eggs. After a lot of hard work she made a wonderful nest and laid him two eggs.
                                          Here are all four of them in the yard.
                                           Last year Zack bought the geese their own pool to swim in. So it was clean up time.
                                          He now has all three of his females laying eggs. So after a week of collecting goose eggs we decided it was time to use them up.  In the left hand corner is one of A.J's chicken eggs laid this morning all the rest are Zack's goose eggs. The yolk is huge compared to a chicken yolk. 

Easter Egg Hunt 2013

Every year since we've moved here we've held an annual Easter Egg hunt for the kids. And after a lot of talk about if we were going to do it this year or not we decided to. And even invited a friend down the road.
                                             Madison and Devin in No Man's Land

                                          Jasmine and Mark in the Island

                                          A.J , Zack and most of Madison in No Man's Land
                                           A.J after he was done
                                           Arron helping Megan find all the eggs
                                          And the whole group after the hunt was done.  It was more fun this year with the extra kids.

Zack's getting older.

After a lot of talking we decided Zack was old enough with Arron's help to start using the chainsaw.
  He was so excited.  After listening to Arron for all the instructions on what to do and not to do. Zack got started. I've never seen Arron so worried.
                                          Zack's been watching and learning since he could walk.  So he knew what to do.
All day he kept asking Arron if he could cut more wood.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Maple Syrup 2013

Thanks to Zack and all his hard work this year was a great year for Maple Syrup.
                                           He spent hours and hours watching and feeding the fire
                                          Here's one of his jugs all filled with sap waiting for him to empty it.
                                           Madison bring Zack more wood for the fire
                                         And finally after hours and hours of hard work here is the final product. This year we made about 3 gallons. A big improvement from last year. Can't wait to see what next year holds.

Monday, March 18, 2013

My Kitchen Helper

I love having help in the kitchen
                                         Zack decided tonight he was going to help me with dinner.  Who am I to say no to help?   So he found all the ingredients and mixed them.
                                         And took all the time to make them all the same size. That way no one got a meatball bigger than someone else. They came out great!!!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Movie Night

Family Movie Night
                                            Zack had Tyler come over for the weekend and Jake came to stay as well. 
                                         Only time everyone is quiet is when they are eating.  From left to right it's Angel, Zack, Tyler,Devin, A.J, Jake, and Madison.  The loft was full that night.I love to see it that way.
                                          Angel won't leave Zack's side.  She's very protective of him.And doesn't mind being his cuddle partner.

Friday, March 15, 2013

4-H motors, and more

                                          Madison working a making a Easter oranment
                                         Thanks to Mrs. Day's help the boys learned how to shoot an elastic band correctly.
                                         So after shooting the elastic into the corner got boring Zack and Joey set up plastic cups and shot at them with a yardstick
                                          Madison's turn to try it out
                                          Before the elastic came build a motor with magnets
                                          In the beginning Zack wasn't sure he wanted to do this but ended up having fun
                                         Madison did too
                                          Zack working on his

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sheet Rocking

                                          I volunteered the boys to help with some sheetrocking for the local food pantry.  Zack went right to work.  You can see A.J on the ladder behind him
                                         Zack checkingout his work
                                          Not a great picture but Zacks off to the side A.j's on the ladder and you can just make out Devins shadow
                                           Zack was the only one to know how to cut out the doorway so he set to work on that.  Overall a few hours of volunteering did them good. By boys are used to it.  But my other one isn't use to doing anything.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Sea Perch Class #2

The kids are working on a under the water robotic class. So they are paired up in teams
                                           Madison and Erica are working on theirs
                                          Of course Zack and Joey are teamed up
                                          Working on stripping the wire off
                                          Working on coating their batteries
                                          Filling in their batteries
                                          Cleaning up after finishing their batteries
                                              The girls working on sottering
                                          Karen giving the girls a  hand
                                          working as a team. These two always do a great job together
                                          girls working together

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Zentangle Class

This was a three week class that the kids took.
                                          Madison looks so happy
                                          Zack is actually doing something in class
                                           Some of the designs that they were taught
                                         working on his braclett
                                           No idea what she is doing
                                          The class puzzle.  Each kid was given a piece of paper and had to make up there own zentangle then Karen put them together as a puzzle.  And this is what we got.