Welcome to our CRAZY LIFE !!!

This is a look at just how crazy our life is.

Monday, December 24, 2012


This year the kids finally got a chance to get back on the mountain and ski.  Zack and Madison loved it but A.J not so much.
                                          All three kids
                                           Zack and A.J coming down the bunny slope
                                         Zack doing his turn
                                         Madison had a little harder time remembering how to ski.  So she spent a lot of time on the magic carpet. She was to afraid of falling.
                                          Not to mention that she wasn't feeling that well either.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Watch Us Grow!!!!

One of Zack's Thrianta litter born
                                          Minutes old
                                          About 10 days old
                                          Fat little bellies
                                         Nice Head on this one
                                          Eyes are all opened. 
                                          play time! Zack brings them inside just about every other night to get some play time and that way he can look them over so watch them.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thrianta Babies

                                          These guys are only a little over 4 weeks old.  So today Zack brought them in for there first posing lessons and photos.
                                         They were a little to scared to sit still
                                          Finally one that would sit

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Top 10 of 2012


                                                        The Little Effing Farm's
                                                          Top 10 of 2012

10.) We added geese and pigs to the farm this year.
 9.)   Madison won 3rd place for her giant sunflower and Zack won 3rd place for his giant pumpkin  in 4-H at the Sandwich Fair.
8.) Zack, A.J and Dorrie all took Hunter's Education and passed.
7.) Arron and the boys learned how to process our own pigs
6.) Madison raised a 43 pound turkey
5.) Zack had a very successful first year with his rabbitry
4.) Arron made a sign for the Little Effing Farm
3.) We made our own Maple Syrup
2.) Adam came into our family at 19 days old
1.) A.J graduated High School and got his driver's license

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays