Welcome to our CRAZY LIFE !!!

This is a look at just how crazy our life is.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Session #3 Games and Logic Thinking

Lay a piece of string flat on the table. Now pick up one end with your right hand and the other end with your left hand. Now without letting the string leave your fingers can you tie it into a knot?
During Games and Logic thinking the kids had to work on this brain teaser. It's fun to watch them figuring it out and not wanting any clues.
And yes it's possible. No one was able to figure it out on their own till Karen showed them. But When Arron came home the kids couldn't wait to have him try it out.

Arron trying it out with Madison watching.

Madison showing him how it's done

Arron trying it out now that Madison showed him how.

Friday, November 25, 2011

What does a 15 year old buy with his money?

A laptop.
A.J decided he was going to take his latest paycheck and buy himself a laptop. So after checking all the stores and deals going on he finally found one he was happy with. After setting it up he couldn't wait to load his game and start playing.
Best part he's not on my computer anymore playing his games.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

That time of the year

The kids love Eggnog. So this year we decided to try and make it ourselves. Which means I had A.J make it. Mainly because then he can turn it into a cooking lab afterwards for school. He looks so happy about it. But in the end it came out very good.
Putting the finishing touching on his home made eggnog.

Taste Testing Time

Tasting his Eggnog.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Madison's first litter!

Zack gave Caramel to Madison for her Birthday this year. After talking to Zack they decided it was a good time to breed her before winter sets in. So here is a picture of Madison's and Caramels first litter. She had five healthy sable point babies.

Ice Cream Any One?

Some of our parents serving ice cream for after the awards were handed out. Zack decided to help out as well.
Madison with her prize for her second place giant pumpkin she grew for the Sandwich Fair this year. It weighed 43 pounds.

4-H Voyagers

Some of our group practicing before the awards ceremony begins.
Zackary, Joey and Joel working on their balancing challenge.
Madison and Megan working together on their project for 4-H.
A.J working with his group on the 4-H project.

Last art class !!!

Madison's felt bunny she made during the last art class.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Egg Time!!

Zack decided to do a little cooking today. He wanted to see how big the goose eggs were that he got this weekend. So he ended up making zucchini bread with one of them. He hasn't decided what to make with the other two.
Zack couldn't believe the size of the goose yolk.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Madison playing a game while the other kids look on.
Karen and A.J playing a game while Zack looks on.

Session #3

For this session of classes A.J is taking a writing class and all three of them are in a games and problem solving class. Don't they all look like there having fun?

Friday, November 11, 2011

The whole cast
Madison dressed as a member of the Duke's court.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Girls

This afternoon the girls decided after they groomed Butterfly that she really needed some hats. So they set Butterfly up with them on the sunporch and spent the next hour or two making hats for her. She just sat there and let them put hats on her. I really think Butterfly enjoyed the run on the sunporch and all the extra attention she got.
Madison and Butterfly with one of Butterflies many hats.
Megan trying on Butterfly graduation cap

Every Day Crown

Class of 2011

Not sure what this hat was but Butterfly sure liked the way it tasted.

Queen Butterfly

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 2

Madison and Megan during the workshop. They had to acting like babies.

Megan and Madison during the workshop before practice starts. They had to act like an old person walking.

How Arron Eats A Snack !!!

First you pick up your mini vanilla wafer
Then comes the dunk
Then comes the mouth.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 1

This week we have the Childrens Stage Company to work with the kids ago. This years play is Mid Summer's Night. Madison is the only one in the play this year and she's not one bit happy about it.
Trying out for parts.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Madison popping her ballon.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Week #2

This week the kids started class working with clay.
Madison working her clay.
Madison's turtle she made to put on her clay pot.
Madison watching Kailey popping her ballon.

Madison and Kailey

After popping their ballons all the kids had to try their bowls on as hats.
Madison showing the art teacher how her bowl is coming out.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Moving Time

At one of the rabbit shows we went to this spring A.J won a pail of composting worms in the raffle. He's been having a good time taking care of them. He likes adding some of the chicken scraps and vaccum bags to their tub to see how fast they eat it. But they needed a bigger tub with a cover on it so this afternoon A.J worked on moving his composting worms to a bigger tub. Here's a picture of one little guy before he goes into his new home.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Session #2

We'll today was the last day of session #2. And the kids had a blast. Just when you think you can't have any more fun learning we start another class. I think the kids had more fun this session than the first if it's possible. Zack and I taught Rabbit 101 to 12 kids. It was a lot of fun to watch Zack teach others about all the rabbit things he's learned. While we were in this class Madison was in Zome Tools. She was learning to make triangles, measuring angles, and discovering what similar, congruent, equilateral triangles were. And then at the end of class they got to make the ulimate bubble blowing wands using the shapes they had learned.
After lunch both Zack and Madison were in Zoom Science. Were they did chemistry , static electricity, and opitcal illusion experiments. It was a blast. Can't wait to see what Session #3 is like.
Madison trying out her phenakistascope that she made. Zack didn't want to try his out. He just wanted to go play in the snow with the other boys.

The girls playing the penny game.

Zack and Jake playing the penny game.

The kids had to work with partners. One kid had to cover one eye while they gave their partner directions on placing the penny in the cup.
Jake and Zack trying to find there blind spots.

Madison trying to find her blindspot.

The Ultimate Bubble Wand !!!

Yes, it does work.